At Calvary Counseling Center, we believe that we all have experienced some form of emotional distress. We are convinced that the counseling relationship exists in order to heal the counselee. To that end, at Calvary Counseling Center, we approach our clients with compassion and understanding while still helping them to find the truths they need to direct them towards healing and wholeness. Calvary Counseling Center offers many comprehensive mental health services.
Learn more about our:
- Court Related DUI Evaluations, Drug and Alcohol Evaluations, Anger Evaluations and Mental Health Evaluations
- Immigration Psychological Evaluations
- Extreme or Exceptional Hardship
- Political Asylum
- Domestic Abuse
- Shoplifting Prevention: Therapeutic Intervention Program (T.I.P.)
- H.O.P.E. - Parent Education Class
- Supervised Parenting Time
- Anger Management Class/Group