Confidentiality Policy

Confidentiality Policy

Calvary Counseling Center is staffed by professional counselors who are bound by Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) to protect confidentiality.  Any information that you disclose to Calvary Counseling Center is safeguarded by state and federal privacy laws. Under these laws, we are responsible for protecting the confidentiality of mental health information. We will not answer questions about any individual from parents,  legal counsel, family, friends, significant others, employers, or anyone else outside of the counseling center staff. We may disclose information about you only with your written authorization. Confidentiality may be broken only under the following emergency conditions:

  • When there is substantial risk of imminent and serious physical injury to you or to other persons.
  • When the information you disclose contains evidence of current physical or sexual abuse of minor children, elderly adults, or adults with disabilities which make them more vulnerable to abuse; or
  • When in response to a court order.
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