Youth Shoplifting Prevention - Therapeutic Intervention Program (T.I.P.)
Calvary’s Therapeutic Intervention Program (T.I.P.) is structured to help youth learn how to accept responsibility for their behavior. This family centered program will help the individual and the family understand the process of changing negative behavior, while learning techniques of how to avoid and manage negative influences in their life.
Our Cognitive Behavior Change Curriculum recognizes and contains the principles which embrace the philosophy that thought processes affect one’s behavior. T.I.P. is equipped to offer juveniles and their parents/legal guardians; a comprehensive cognitive base instructor led program. This instructor led program is conducted by facilitators with degrees in the field of human service degrees.
Calvary Counseling Center is now offering intervention programs for adolescents who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. Learn more about our Deaf or Hard of Hearing Services.
Classes held on Saturdays.